Did you know that even the ancient Romans used concrete in their construction? They valued it for its strength and for its ability to be molded into different forms. They formed concrete from volcanic ash and lime, which were a bit different from the materials used today, but the substance was very similar and used for similar purposes. Today, concrete contractors carry on the ancient Roman tradition, making everything from patios to counter tops from concrete. These creations last for years and require little maintenance. We think concrete is amazing, and we hope you'll share that opinion after reading the articles provided here.
13 April 2020
Whether it's the concrete floor in your basement, your garage, or even a driveway or patio, uneven concrete can be a major issue. Indoors, a concrete floor that isn't level or has sunk can throw doors and walls out of square, which can eventually cause cracks and damages in your walls. In the garage, an uneven floor can affect your garage door, making it impossible to open or close. Concrete floors inside and out are also more likely to crack and pull apart if they aren't properly leveled.
7 April 2020
When excessive moisture in the environment around your home and pressure on your home's foundation occur simultaneously, the stress can result in damage to your foundation and serious moisture problems within your home's interior. But there are measures you can take to prevent moisture intrusion and foundation problems from happening and also services to repair the damage that has already been done. Here are some repair options to help you fix foundation damage to your home and prevent it from occurring again in the future.
7 April 2020
If the concrete work around your existing pool is cracked, chipping, or deteriorating, or you have recently had a new pool completed, now is the perfect time to have a new pool apron installed. A pool apron, also called a pool surround or pool decking, is the solid surface that surrounds your pool. It needs to be slip-resistant and not retain heat so those entering or exiting your pool are not injured.